
Custom House Studios Gallery, Westport

Landscapes of South Mayo

Solo Exhibition, Clare Hall, Cambridge University

Selection of Irish and Essex landscapes

Townscape and Landscape, Apex Gallery, Bury St. Edmunds

Joint exhibition with Rhonda Whitehead


1982: Degree Show, Central School of Art and Design, London

1983: Camden Annual, Camden Arts Centre, London

1984: Solo Exhibition, Camden Arts Centre, London

1987: Camden Arts School, London

1997: Solo Exhibition, Octopus Gallery, Saffron Walden

2000/2001: Solo Exhibitions, Haverhill Arts Centre

2002: Solo Exhibition, Quay Theatre Gallery, Sudbury

2003: Cambridge Open Studios

Showing Off’ – Essex Artists, Cressing Temple Barn, Braintree

Ukrainian Artists (Mixed Exhibition) 491 Gallery, London

Group Exhibition, The Wall Gallery, Ely

2004: Cambridge Open Studios

Group Exhibition, Halesworth Gallery, Suffolk

Group Exhibitions, The Wall Gallery, Ely

2005: Group Exhibition, Stock Gallery, Stock, Essex

The Cut Gallery, Halesworth, Suffolk

Cambridge Open Studios

2006: East Open, King’s Lynn

Solo Exhibition, Church Street Gallery, Saffron Walden

Solo Exhibition, Churchill College, University of Cambridge

Solo Exhibition, Clare Hall College, University of Cambridge

Cambridge Open Studios

2007: Short-listed for Celeste Art Prize, London

Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, Open Exhibition

Hotel Felix Art Display, Cambridge

East Open, King’s Lynn

2008: Solo Exhibition, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London

Open Studios, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

The Cut, Halesworth (selected for Anniversary Exhibition)

2009: Saffron Walden Arts Festival Group Exhibition

Open Studios, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

2010: Saffron Walden Open Studios

Solo Exhibition, Clare Hall Gallery, University of Cambridge

2011: Saffron Walden Open Studios

Cambridge Open Studios

2012: Reflections and Transparencies: Mixed Exhibition of work by 3 artists, Cambridge Art Salon

2012/2013: The Saffron Walden Gallery, Mixed Exhibitions

2014: Solo Exhibition, The Custom House Studios Gallery, Westport, Co Mayo

2016: Townscape and Landscape, Apex Gallery, Bury St Edmunds

2017: Solo Exhibition, Clare Hall Art Gallery University of Cambridge

Works in Private Collections

Clare Hall Art Collection, University of Cambridge

Churchill College, University of Cambridge

Hotel La Source Bleue, Touzac, France

Redwire Head Office, London

Work selected as book jacket illustration for Noam Chomsky’s Language and Mind. Published by Cambridge University Press and further titles for Cambridge University Press